New Year, New Perspective

Many of us are just so ready to say goodbye to 2020.So now is the perfect time for me to give you a different perspective about how to start a new year off right so that it's going to be your best year yet.January is my month because it’s vision month. I am claiming January as Viva La Vision month and I'm going to be doing some fun things all throughout the month to support you in your vision, goals, and dreams.

Vision-Writing Month

This is the month that everybody starts thinking about their dreams again. They start getting clear about their vision and writing goals and resolutions.I'm all about wanting to hit that reset button. But I also know that a lot of times we get really fired up for about 48 hours, maybe two weeks if we're lucky, and then we're back to normal.So before we go into any new year, in order to start it off on the right foot, we have to cut off whatever we don't want to drag from that year into the next. Get rid of the old stuff that's no longer working.

Your Front Row

That’s tough because sometimes those “things” are people that we've spent time with for a long period of our lives, but it’s clear they just no longer fit.It's not a judgment thing. You just need to ask yourself, are these the people that I would like sitting in my front row? The front row people are those who get the most amount of your time, the most amount of your emotion, you trust their advice and let them speak into your heart.The only people that you really should be bringing into the next year are those front row people.Of course, that's not easy to do because that means that we have to make changes to relationships that no longer serve us. But it doesn't have to be a dramatic thing.

End The Guilt Cycle

We also have to stop participating in activities we've been doing just because we feel guilty if we don't. It’s especially hard for people-pleasers, but it’s important to stop doing things you don't want to do because all it does is make you feel resentful.

Just Another Day

Another important change to make is to no longer view calendar days as a reason to start fresh.January 1st is just an arbitrary date on a calendar page. I urge you, from this day, forward to treat every single day as if it's January 1st because, on January 1st, we're all fired up.We're excited to start something new.We're excited to go after our dreams.We are excited to set those goals.Every day, we need to get up in the morning and treat that day as if it is January 1st. To feel that excitement for your goals and your passions and the people that you want to spend your life with.The fact is, we are not promised tomorrow, so why not treat every single day like it's New Year's Day?Every January, not only do I revisit my vision and set my goals and intentions, but I get fired up because I want to pour into all of you.

You’re Invited

So, on January 7th, you’re invited to Viva La Vision, a virtual New Year’s party! We’ll be LIVE on zoom and you can share what vision you had for this year that worked well for you.I can't imagine anything more powerful and more fun than coming together and toasting each other!  Click here to join us.

Vision is victory,



Celebrating Vision and Purpose


The Reason for the Season