Celebrating Vision and Purpose

If you haven't already set your vision for the year, now is the time to start thinking about it.You know I've been talking about this since before Thanksgiving because I think that the end of the year is always the best time to really think about your vision.But the reality is that most of us don't because we get too busy with wrapping up the year and all the things that start to happen around the holidays.Now that all New Year’s festivities have passed, people are starting to think about vision, goals, and resolutions, and sticking to them.

Fix what’s broken

First, I want you to reevaluate what worked and what didn't work last year. Only bring with you into this year the things that bring you joy. Anything you keep doing should be what you enjoy, lifts you up, and fills you up. Maybe it's something that impacts other people's lives.Everything else should take a backseat. Either spend way less time on it or if it's just sucking the life out of you, drop it altogether.

The need for vision in your life

I hope that you will see January like I do, as vision month.As a vision and goal setting expert, I help people get really clear on that.Having a vision is truly the anchor in all life’s storms. And while you’re thinking about resolutions is the perfect time to get your vision down on paper.Every January, I used to host a huge live event. While this year will look different, the sentiment is the same.I’ve declared this month Viva La Vision month and will be celebrating vision all month long!Laurel and I kicked off the celebration with a virtual party, and we’ll be having challenges, giveaways, and so much more.

VIVA La Vision with Vision is Victory Academy

You also have the opportunity to make this year really count. We are looking for our first "Founding 50" young adults (aged 18 to 35) to not only grow personally but become a part of a movement for their generation with Vision is Victory Academy (VIVA).We’ll begin by tackling the three big problems we see young people struggling with.

  1. Lack of vision, focus, and not knowing your purpose

  2. Unclear about your personal core values leading to a lack of healthy boundaries

  3. Changing your mindset about money and how you manage it

Graduates of this academy will have a leap-off-the-page vision for their life, healthy relationships, and boundaries in place for themselves.  They will be confident in the wealth they are building. When all of these puzzle pieces fit together, stress melts away to reveal an abundance of joy and the feeling of leading a fulfilled life!Comment with the word Vision for more information about how you or the young adults in your life can be part of this life-changing program.

Vision is victory,



Start the Year with a Vision


New Year, New Perspective