The Power of Family Vision

Do you have a vision for your family?I wish that as my kids were going up that I would have talked about this more.Sure, they knew my vision. I asked them their goals and my husband Ross and I encouraged them to follow their dreams.But I don't think that we spent nearly enough time talking about how we see our family, what our core values are, what we stand for, or how we stand for each other, especially as we get older.There is a lot to be said for having a vision for your family, that both the kids and adults understand.

Stopping the Struggle

The reason this is so important, especially right now, is that our kiddos are getting so lost. Then they grow up to become young adults who are struggling and just floating through life with no clear direction.That’s why my daughter Laurel and I are on a big mission to help solve this crisis. We want to support people of every age to get crystal clear on their vision for their life and to know their true purpose here on Earth.And it all starts with your family.

Steps Every Family Should Take

Here are three important things you can do as a family and begin implementing today. These will help you start working toward your shared vision.

  1. As parents, you need to invest in yourselves. First, take the time to sit down and write your own visions out. And as much as possible, get on the same page so that you can not only share it with each other, but also share it with your kids. Even with children as young as 5, there are ways that you can share a family vision so they'll understand it.

  2. Take the opportunity to have your kiddos write out their vision or draw it out on paper.

  3. Spend time either every week or at least a couple of times a month to have some family time to check in on the vision. You can find out how everyone is doing, has anything changed, how do they need support – just that whole bonding time.

I’ve had the opportunity to help families craft their visions and it's been super powerful for them. Now, I want to do that for you too.

Vision is victory,



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