Bozo The Clown

I am dating myself, but who remembers an inflatable punching bag toy named Bozo the Clown, who when knocked down popped back up? Believe it or not, you can still find this guy on Amazon! I am definitely getting one of these for my two-year-old grandson (he’s gonna love it!) and am considering taking Bozo out on the road when I speak about getting through adversity.

I was reminded of this after reading Max Lucado’s book ‘You’ll Get Through This’ in which he refers to this life-size blow-up clown when talking about Joseph in the Bible. Max Lucado uses this as a visual of how Joseph’s unwavering faith brought him through multiple heart wrenching and life-threatening challenges. He remained steadfast and loyal in trusting God’s will for his life. Joseph not only got through his adversities, but he ultimately became the second most powerful leader in Egypt.

In our book ‘Keep Looking Up,” my daughter and I talk about our faith being the ‘anchor in our storms.” In the same book, I discuss how having a purpose-filled vision for my life is what gets me up, out of bed, and going every day. When you have faith that is anchored in God’s word and you have clarity on what you feel called to do in this life, it will get you through anything. Like Bozo you will bounce back up.

I fully believe, now more than ever, that people, especially young people, need this mainstay of faith. Today I encourage you to find your ‘anchor’ so you can keep getting back up to become the best version of yourself and be an inspiration to our youth.


Pressing Pause


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